I was just reading a recap on some of the discussions held at the Republican Governors Conference in Miami this week. Yes, there is alot of soul searching, Sarah praising and political positioning, but the biggest revelation was the praise given to Obama's Ground Game. I laughed.
When we opened our McCain Palin headquarters the final month of elections, people asked us why we weren't open during the week day (we only had evening and weekend hours). I jokingly said that Republicans work for a living. That statement is almost too eerily true when we look at the demographics and logistics of the "Ground Game".
I know I took a big hit in my professional/financial life when I focused my efforts on this election. I don't get paid for this effort. I do it out of a profound belief in the outcome of elections. It does matter who governs. I am not alone in this passion. We all took a hit financially for doing what we believe in.
But look at the demographics of the Obama "Ground Game":
ACORN workers - partially funded by government and Obama, one sole focus
Out-of-work workers - funded by government, with a lot of time on their hands
College students - funded by parents or government loans, probably shouldn't have had all that time on their hands
Media - funded by employers to pay homage to Obama or allowed to do so
Trust fund babies - funded by a tax free entity, with a lot of time on their hands
Educators - funded by government, should have used their influence on their own time
Now let's look at the demographics of the McCain "Ground Game":
Self Employed or Entrepreneurs - Self funded, not alot of time on their hands
Retirees - Self funded, more time on their hands than most
Women - Self funded, worked it in between a million other family duties
Young People - Self funded, not alot to time but were brought up to get involved
Yes, there are cross overs for everything and this is an over generalization, but do you see the trends? How do you compete with that?
I guess that is where the conundrum lies as we regroup and rethink the process.
U.S. imports from Mexico and Canada could be zapped with 25% tariffs
starting on Saturday
*(Photo by Michael Urman, Adobe Stock) *
Unless Canadian and Mexican leaders move quickly, the United States will
impose a 25% tariff on imports from both...
1 day ago
I lose a little more respect for you every time I get a post like this.
I work TWO jobs. 5 nights a week at a gas station, and two more waiting tables on the weekend. I donated time and money to the Obama campaign My Brother works full time for a TV station. HE donated to Obama's campaign too. His Girlfriend is a Veterinarian, She gave time and money.
The other volunteers I met along the way were Teachers, Carpenters, Preachers, Professors, Retail Managers, Restaurant owners (Entrepreneurs), Farmers, Writers, Politicians, Artists, Musicians, Students, Waitresses, Bartenders, and Retired Veterans.
3 Million Americans Donated Money to the Obama/Biden campaign. No Telling how many donated their time. Over 66.5 MILLION Americans donated their vote.
The People Spoke in this election. Not just Blue America, or Unemployed America, or Welfare America. America.
America Spoke. For Crying out loud, Listen.
You want to belittle Obama? Fine. But don't belittle the 52% of the American Electorate that voted for him. Those people represent America every bit as much as you.
You are right, it was a very broad over generalization, but I did mention that at the end of the post.
My intent was not to belittle the efforts of everyone involved on a local or personal level. We all did what we could in the capacity that we could do it.
The ground game is won and lost by who is registering people to vote, making the phone calls and getting those people to the polls. In our neck of the woods, we won because we had a better ground game and because the majority of our people are Conservatives.
However, according to news sources, the largest number of new voters acquired during this entire election process (and who voted) was due to the ACORN involvement. And according to Hillary staff, this definitely skewed the Primary process. The election was Hillary's to lose and she got blindsided.
The other categories come down to user groups who are skewed left by the nature of the beast. Both the media and the educators utilize their influential capacities to further either a subconscious or conscious social agenda.
The rest of the population who voted for Obama was really voting against Bush or for an altruistic or idealistic utopia represesented in Obama's rhetoric.
My point in this analysis is...what do we Conservatives do to combat these facts of political life? How do we improve our Ground Game?
And lastly, yes, it is about the money. We were hamstringed when Obama went against his word and opted out of public funding at the last moment. Our paradigm changed drastically and we never recovered. Personally, I think we were totally off our game all the way around.
If my Conservative viewpoints offend you, then don't read them. You and I disagree on which utopia we want to live in. That is the beauty of living in America...we can do that.
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