My dear political friend Lynn Sebourn did a live blog during the debate, I always enjoy his commentary...
Live Blogging the Nashville Debate
by Lynn on October 7, 2008
The debate is about to start just up the road in Nashville. I am going to try live blogging the debate.
McCain needs to do very well tonight. My internet connection seems to be moving at a crawl. Is everyone in TN trying to stream the debate live?
8:03 Brokaw introduces: We’re all doooomed!
8:04 1st question: What will congress do to bail out senior citizens? Obama: Repulican deregulation caused all our problems. McCain looks and sounds strong. But he wants to bail out homeowners to “restore home values.” Are we going to just guarantee that no ones ever loses money at anything in America?
8:10 Obama continues with “Rich people are evil” theme.
8:11 Watching on Fox News. Lot’s of shots of McCain’s back. Is it that way on all the networks?
8:13 McCain begins to hit on his record of trying to reform Freddie and Fannie. Hits Obama on his record of Freddie and Fannie donations. This is something people need to hear. Obama tries to deflect by a general muddying of his record and McCain’s record
8:17 Obama just said we need a whole new financial regulation system that should be coordinated with Europe!
8:20 Obama declares how terrible it is that our deficit has increased. He is going to cut spending while implementing all his programs. Look! No mirrors!
8:22 McCain begins to attack Obama on his record in response to a question about trust. McCain is very effective here. McCain’s argument is that he has a record of accomplishment in trying to fix things.
8:28 Obama, energy is top priority. We have to deal with energy prices RIGHT AWAY. And that’s why he calls for a 10 year program to become energy independent. If it takes 10 years, how will it help right away?
8:29 Obama will go through budget line by line. Has anyone told him that the line-item veto was ruled unconstitutional?
8:20 Internet Question: What sacrifices will you ask Americans to make? Good question. McCain: Ask people to give up unneeded programs. Elimate earmarks. Tell American people that spending must be cut. Great conservative answer. It is sad that giving up government programs is a sacrifice on the part of the Americans, but I believe it is true.
8:32: Obama’s answer to sacrifice question: filibustering… Must think about the way we use energy. He is dangerously close to asking us to all wear sweaters…. Double peace corp.
8:35 Q: How to stop too much debt and easy credit. Obama: We must control Government spending. We can’t cut taxes for business. (So how will high taxes on business discourage them from being in debt?) McCain now notes that Obama is being very unclear about his tax programs. Hitting him for taxing small business. (They have both given up answering the question) Good challenge to Obama to drop his tax plan since the economy is bad.
8:40 Entitlement question: Will you reform social security and entitlements? Obama: We must work quickly. Obama has terrible lurching transition to talk about his tax plan. He is going to give everyone a tax break except to those evil rich people and corporations. Would someone please ask Obama, HOW RAISING TAXES ON WAL-MART WILL BENEFIT ME??????
8:40 Obama is basically saying that he will fix everything because he says so. Proof by assertion.
8:47 McCain pushing hard for Nuke power. I dislike the environmental hysteria, but Nuke power would be great to help reduce oil use. Obama: New energy future is like the the induction of the computer. His answer her is incomprehensible. We can’t drill, we must use alternate energy, but seems to minimize nuclear power. This is all pie in the sky. Just trust him that it will work out.
8:53 McCain defends drilling now! Yes! Explains supply and demand.
8:54 Q: Should health care be treated as a commodity? (good question) Obama ignores question and just begins to explain his health plan. We are going to make health insurance affordable by reducing paperwork. Attacks McCain’s insurance program.
8:56 McCain properly frames Health issue as “choices vs. mandates” Good clarification from Browkaw, “Is health care a right or a responsibility.” McCain: It’s a responsibility. Obama: It’s a right. Obama clarifies that he will make you buy health care for your children. Government must make sure you do the right thing.
9:07 Obama attacking McCain on Iraq. Now attacking Iraq war in general. Isn’t that old news now. Question: Obama has been complaining for over a year about spending $700B on the war, but yet didn’t blink to spend $700B on the bailout on a moment’s notice. We could have went to Darfur instead? (Why is that important to America?)
9:10 Q: What is the Obama doctrine about using armed force when our interests are not at stake. ? Obama: We can go in if moral issues are at stake, like genocide, Darfur, Rowanda, Holocaust, etc. (Weren’t there moral issues at stake in Iraq?) McCain: Criteria is: Can we beneficially improve the situation? Sometimes are abilities are limited.
9:14 Q: Should we respect Pakistan’s borders? Obama: Obama escaped because we went to Iraq. Al Queda is stronger than any time since 2001. (really?) Send a lot more troops to Afghanistan. Get tougher with Pakistan. Insist they get tougher with terrorists (or else what?) Getting rid of Al Queda and Bin Laden is our number one military priority.
9:17 McCain takes Obama to task for threatening Pakistan. We have to get their support. We need the support of the people and turn against the Taliban. Not threatening them.
9:21 Question about changes in strategy or policy in Afghanistan. Obama: We need to move more troops there (to accomplish what?) Tell Afghans they need to get better control (I bet they never thought of that.)
9:24 McCain defends Petraus ability to accomplish mission in Afghanistan.
9:25 McCain: We will not have a new cold war with Russia. The problem in Russia is Putin. Need to put diplomatic and economic pressure on Russian to behave.
9:26 Obama: We need to send $$$$$$ to Russian satellite countries to help them. Obama says we need to anticipate these problems instead of just reacting to them.
9:34 Q: Would we defend Israel against nukes from Iran without getting permission from UN. McCain: yes, Obama: Gave a long rambling answer that included gas production. Kinda yes?
9:38 Great answer by McCain to final question: “What don’t you know and how will you learn about it.” McCain: I don’t know what is going to happen at home and abroad in the future. I have the experience to handle the unexpected.
Debate ends. My final impression. Obama spent a great amount of time not actually saying anything. He spent a lot of time just restating the question and empathizaing with the questioner without actually saying anything.
McCain gave a solid performance, but no killer moments. I’ll add a few more comments after I’ve had time to sleep on it.
Medicaid cuts will hurt rural Americans. If Congress doesn't shrink
Medicaid, how can $4.5 trillion in tax cuts be made?
Republican lawmakers had planned to
cut Medicaid to help balance tax cuts.The health of many rural Americans
depends on Medicaid coverage, but that safety ...
2 days ago
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