Yes, I watched Glenn Beck last night. Yes, I watched him get emotional and yes, I watched all the hyperbole associated. But all that being said...I agree with the guy. We need to get back to basics here in America and that means we have to inspire our neighbors to sit up and get involved in the process. Complacency is the enemy of all free societies. It was also kinda eerie seeing the author of the book I am currently reading "Lone Survivor" at the table with Glenn. Signposts folks!
So when Glenn's website quits being overloaded, I am going to review the gameplan and see what I can do to help.
On another note, I like the TN GOP Legislative Agenda proposed by my favorite rabble rouser on the Hill, Rep. Campfield.
Republican agenda
Lots of talk is going around about a Democrat agenda (Or consistent complete lack their of) as well as a Republican agenda. Although I am only speaking for myself on this I think a few good ideas would be
1. Second amendment rights
Remove finger print rules for permit. Constitutional rights should not have such a high bar (we don't do that for free speech), Stop mass public printing of names of permit holders for profit (In newspapers) for the safety and privacy of public citizens, Allow second amendment protections in parks, government supported property and where not posted to allow legal permitted gun owners to protect themselves.
2. Illegal immigration
Pass e verify check previous to any public employment to ensure the employment system and discourage illegal immigration, Pass photo ID (Made available for free to indigent citizens) previous to voting to secure the voting process, Strengthen enforcement against people who employee illegals to make sure legal citizens get first opportunity at jobs, Put the drivers licence test in English only for safety on our roads, No services (other then emergency or mandated by federal law) given to non citizens to save the state money and discourage illegal immigration.
3. Taxes
Clarify Copeland cap so we have no funny business of a few years ago, Remove sales tax on food to help families struggling with tight budgets, Oppose income tax as the constitution says, Remove the Hall income tax to encourage investment and savings, Oppose unfunded long term federal mandates to stop a federal government run wild interfering in state business.
Pass Education first so education can become funded properly instead of just a battle cry for more taxes, Pass local option for election of school superintendents to give locals more power and input in fixing their education system, Allow school choice at least for students in failing schools to help get kids a first class education, Remove teacher tenure putting teachers under civil service protection so teachers can be held accountable and principals can fix failing schools, allow merit pay for teachers who work in failing schools or improve standardized test scores of children to reward success and achievement, Allow home school students to play sports in schools their family pay taxes on.
4. Higher ed, Lottery
Lower standards to keep lottery scholarships in difficult or needed majors and give more scholarship funding to students in these majors to encourage people to enter the sciences, math, nursing, teaching majors. Add in loan forgiveness for students in these fields if they stay and work in state.
5. Life
Pass SJR127 to allow reasonable regulation again.
6. Government and Justice:
Allow popularly Elected judges as mandated by constitution, Put caps on punitive damages to stop "lottery" lawsuits, Pass looser pays on civil suits to stop lawsuits filed to settle, Pass term limits of 12 consecutive years in each body for the legislature to get in fresh ideas, Put government spending on line for all major purchases for government transparency, Oppose card check for union voting to keep people from being harassed and intimidated into a unionization.
7. Property rights
Mandate voting by elected representatives previous to taking of property (on a case by case basis) by eminent domain to have accountability, Get a clear consistent definition of blight previous to taking of property through eminent domain to stop abuse under current definition, Make property taken through eminent domain be at least 95% public or quasi governmental use and or remain in public hands for 5 years to stop public ED for private use.
Medicaid cuts will hurt rural Americans. If Congress doesn't shrink
Medicaid, how can $4.5 trillion in tax cuts be made?
Republican lawmakers had planned to
cut Medicaid to help balance tax cuts.The health of many rural Americans
depends on Medicaid coverage, but that safety ...
2 days ago
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